Where do you call home?
Iloilo City, Philippines
Tell us a little about your family…
I have been married to Joseph for 13 years and we have 2 children, Austin (9) and Ashleia (7).
When did you join Sweet Shoppe Designs & what’s your favorite thing about being a member of the team?
I joined SSD a few months after I gave birth to my daughter, which was 2009. SSD is filled to the brim with awesome, talented ladies. It is definitely an honor being part of the team.
How long have you been designing?
I started making freebies in mid-2007.
What inspires you?
My kids, their interests. I also love looking at color scheme sites.
Tell us a little bit about your design process…
The hardest thing is deciding what to do… in terms of theme, items I want included. Once I have settled on a theme, I start up Coreldraw and make the vector shapes for each design. Once done, I choose the colors for my swatch. I layered the vectors in Photoshop, then color and style. Once I finish all the elements, I start doing the papers. Then the alpha.
What is something we may not know about you?
Hmm.. I took up Fine Arts because I love to draw AND it has the least number of minor Math subjects. My right foot is a half-size bigger than my already ginormous left foot.