
Cassie King

Where do you call home?

We’re an active duty military family so home is wherever the Army sends us! We’re currently living in a beautiful little town just outside Savannah Georgia, but I’m originally from a tiny town on the border of Wisconsin and Michigan’s Upper Pennisula.

Tell us a little about your family…

I have been married to my husband for 18 years and together we have 2 daughters, ages 14 and 16. We’re also pet parents to 3 sassy but sweet kitties and 1 silly little guinea pig.

When did you join Sweet Shoppe Designs & what’s your favorite thing about being a member of the team?

I’ve been a member at SSD since 2013 but didn’t work up the courage to become very active until about 2015. I’m usually quite shy until I get comfortable around people but I really liked the camaraderie and friendships evident between other members of the community and also wanted to be a part of that. It turns out I had nothing to be afraid of because everyone was so warm and welcoming and I’ve made some of my best friends because of digiscrapping!

Where do you find inspiration for your pages?

I usually just start with whatever photos I want to scrap or story I want to tell and just kind of go from there but if I’ve lost my mojo I browse Pinterest, Instagram or other people’s galleries. I’m constantly amazed at all the talent there is out there and really enjoy challenging myself to “keep up with the competition” and learn from what other people have to offer as well!

What are your must-have digi-scrap supplies and what kind of gear do you use for scrapping & photography?

Lots and lots of flowers and greenery! I love to cluster so the more the better! Great patterned papers are important to me along with journal cards and paints or scatters. As far as gear goes, I scrap on a cute purple (my favorite color!) iMac and love every minute of it. I use a MacBook Pro when we’re traveling/PCSing (that’s military speak for changing duty stations) and complain about the tiny screen constantly!  I have a Nikon D90 DLSR that I occasionally haul out for big events but I mostly take photos using my iPhone 14 Pro Max simply because it’s more convenient.

What is something we may not know about you?

I’m one of those crazy plant people! I spend my days working in a nursery/greenhouse and my nights and weekends taking care of my ever growing plant collection at home. I swear they all have their own personalities and some even have names! 🙂

Making your memories sweeter

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