
Vanessa Armstrong

Where do you call home?
South Eastern Michigan

Tell us a little about your family…

I’m married to Sean, since 2004, One daughter, Keira, 2 sons, Cooper  and our surprise baby, Harper. 

When did you join Sweet Shoppe Designs & what’s your favorite thing about being a member of the team?

I’ve been at SSD as a scrapper since late 2006, and joined the forums when they opened to the public in 2007. I was invited to be a Babe in March 2014, I almost cried when I got the invite! I love being a part of the SSD family, and I love seeing what everyone is working on behind the scenes.

Where do you find inspiration for your pages?

I browse the galleries and Pinterest a lot, but I think most of my inspiration comes from my photos and the kits I’m using. 

What are your must-have digi-scrap supplies and what kind of gear do you use for scrapping & photography?

Templates, Stitching, Buttons and themed kits would be on my most used list. Programs, I couldn’t survive without ACDSee to organize my stash. I’ve been using it for probably 14 years. I also use Adobe CC & Lightroom for scrapping and editing photos. My camera is Canon 7d and my iPhone 13Pro. 

What is something we may not know about you?

Once upon a time I knew Morse Code and was pretty good at it.  I learned during my 10 years in the Air Force, listening and typing out what I had was my primary job for 3 years. I grew up in a town of 250 PEOPLE, and we were 20 miles away from anything.

Making your memories sweeter

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