From Our Blog 2 Yours

Happy Friday girls!

It’s Libby again with another blog challenge! Let me just start by saying, “WHEW! What a long week!” I’m so so so glad it’s the weekend now, and I can just hang out for a couple of days!

Anyway, back to business at hand. For today’s From Our Blog To Yours challenge, we’re doing a simple yet eerie personality color quiz. It takes just a couple of minutes to complete, and I found my results to be very very very accurate.

So go take the quiz here:
Then post about your results on your own blog and link back here in the comments to earn 1 Sweet Rewards Point! Your post does not have to contain your entire analysis as it’s rather lengthy. Just choose a section or two that you really think is either dead on or way out there and tell us what you think! And please be sure to include your SSD username in your comment to make sure that our little challenge tracker angel can find you to award you your points!

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  • “Your Existing Situation
    Under considerable stress due to the demands of the existing situation. Trying to extricate herself from the things which restrict her or tie her down.”

    LOL right on target!!!!

  • There should be more to my results but I only get “page not found” ๐Ÿ™

  • I got this one, which is pretty true! But I wonder how much of this is like horoscopes — they say lots of vague stuff that anyone could see in themselves?

    Willing to participate and to allow herself to become involved, but tries to fend off conflict and disturbance in order to reduce tension.

    Circumstances are forcing her to compromise, to restrain her demands and hopes, and to forgo for the time being some of the things she wants.

  • Has an unsatisfied need to ally herself with others whose standards are as high as her own, and to stand out from the herd.
    Wants to be loved or admired for herself alone; needs attention, recognition, and the esteem of others.

    These statements and really most of the others it said about me were really pretty accurate. That’s kinda scary! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • “Existing Situation
    Active, outgoing, and restless. Feels frustrated by the slowness with which events develop along the desired lines. This leads to irritability, changeability, and lack of persistence when pursuing a given objective.”

    This is very true! I hate slowness in anything…patience is not my strong point :o)

  • Your Existing Situation
    Works well in cooperation with others. Needs a personal life of mutual understanding and freedom from discord.

    Your Stress Sources
    Wishes to be independent, unhampered, and free from any limitation or restriction, other than those which she imposes of herself or by her own choice and decision.

    Your Restrained Characteristics
    Clings to her belief that her hopes and ideas are realistic, but needs encouragement and reassurance. Applies very exacting standards to her choice of a partner and wants guarantees against loss or disappointment.

    Willing to become emotionally involved as she feels rater isolated and alone. Egocentric and therefore quick to take offense, though she tries to avoid open conflict.

    Able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity.

    Your Desired Objective
    Seeks the determination and elasticity of will necessary to establish herself and to make herself independent despite the difficulties of her situation. Wants to overcome opposition and achieve recognition.

    Your Actual Problem
    Strongly resists outside influence and any interference with her freedom to make her own decisions and plans. Works to establish and strengthen her own position.

  • I played along, thanks for the fun! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Easily affected by her environment and readily moved by the emotions of others. Seeks congenial relationships and an occupation which will promote them.

    The rest of my results weren’t able to come up?!

  • Seeks to avoid criticism and to prevent restriction of her freedom to act, and to decide for herself by the exercise of great personal charm in her dealings with others.

    This is true, I hate anyone telling me I’m no good.

  • This part is SOOOO me:

    Your Stress Sources
    Feels that life has far more to offer and that there are still important things to be achieved–that life must be experienced to the fullest. As a result, she pursues her objectives with a fierce intensity that will not let go of things. Becomes deeply involved and runs the risk of being unable to view things with sufficient objectivity, or calmly enough; is therefore in danger of becoming agitated and of exhausting her nervous energy. Cannot leave things alone and feels she can only be at peace when she has finally reached her goal.

    I have to have my hands in everything and it is SO HARD to just let go! I have gotten better but I have a long way to go!

    This was fun and SO very interesting. Who knew that all of this would be indentified through picking out some colors, uh!

  • The Color Quiz!

    Your Actual Problem

    Depleted vitality has created an intolerance for any further stimulation, or demands on her resources. This feeling of powerlessness subjects her to agitation and acute distress. She attempts to escape into a substitute world in which things are more nearly as she desires them to be.

  • My username is: InLoveWithDOTS and its on my blog here:

  • I got some very interesting results:

    Your Existing Situation
    Acts in an orderly, methodical, and self-contained manner. Needs the sympathetic understanding of someone who will give her recognition and approval.

    Your Desired Objective
    Longs for a tender and sympathetic bond and for a situation of idealized harmony. Has an imperative need for tenderness and affection. Susceptible to anything esthetic.

    Your Actual Problem
    Has a fear that she might be prevented from achieving the things she wants. This leads her to employ great personal charm in her dealings with others, hoping that this will make it easier for her to reach her objectives.

  • Fun quiz…but I don’t think it reflects me at all:

    Existing Situation:
    Trying to improve her position and prestige. Dissatisfied with her existing circumstances and considers some improvement essential to her self-esteem.

  • Here’s mine:

    It wasn’t as accurate as I thought it would be!

  • Interesting! Some parts I felt didn’t reflect me much but these parts were more accurate:

    Existing Situation:
    Seeks to express the need for identification in a sensitive and intimate atmosphere where esthetic or emotional delicacy can be protected and nurtured.

    Your Desired Objective:
    Needs a peaceful environment. Wants release from stress, and freedom from conflicts or disagreement. Takes pains to control the situation and its problems by proceeding cautiously. Has sensitivity of feeling and a fine eye for detail.

    Actual Problem:
    Disappointment at the non-fulfillment of her hopes and the fear that to formulate fresh goals will only lead to further setbacks have resulted in considerable anxiety. She is trying to escape from this into a peaceful and harmonious relationship, protecting her from dissatisfaction and lack of appreciation.


    My results are there….It was accurate in someparts but not really….hehe

  • Your Restrained Characteristics

    Wants to broaden her fields of activity and insists that her hopes and ideas are realistic. Distressed by the fear that she may be prevented from doing what she wants; needs both peaceful conditions and quiet reassurance to restore her confidence.

    So true that it was scary!

  • Here is mine (hoping it goes through!!) ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Well crud it didn’t…guess I’ll remove the www again!!

  • Hmm! Mine actually didn’t fit me at all. These things never do!

    My results are here:

  • Hmmm… I think I failed – nothing even seemed to come close! Maybe I’m just color blind today…

    Your Actual Problem:
    The fear that she might be prevented from achieving the things she wants leads her to play her part with an urgent and hectic intensity

    I don’t think I do anything with an “urgent and hectic intensity”!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Interesting! Here’s mine, and its on my very own blog!

  • Interesting little quiz, Libby!!!

    Your Actual Problem
    Needs to achieve a stable and peaceful condition, enabling her to free herself of the worry that she may be prevented from achieving all the things she wants.

    Your Actual Problem #2
    Wants to be valued and respected, and seeks this from a close and peaceful association of mutual esteem.

  • A lot of my results were way off base, and very Freudian (not a Freud fan, thank you very much!). This fits though:

    Wants to broaden her fields of activity and insists that her hopes and ideas are realistic. Distressed by the fear that she may be prevented from doing what she wants; needs both peaceful conditions and quiet reassurance to restore her confidence.


    Yeah not sure if that worked correctly or not…. Some seems okay but others not so much…

  • This was interesting. Most of it was pretty off! My existing situation was somewhat accurate. For my desired objective, I already have the first part, but the second part is pretty good!

    Your Existing Situation
    Acts in an orderly, methodical, and self-contained manner. Needs the sympathetic understanding of someone who will give her recognition and approval.

    Your Desired Objective
    Longs for a tender and sympathetic bond and for a situation of idealized harmony. Has an imperative need for tenderness and affection. Susceptible to anything esthetic.

  • heres mine:

    Your Existing Situation
    Uneasy and insecure in the existing situation. Needs greater security and a more affectionate environment, or a situation imposing less physical strain.

    Your Stress Sources
    Feels that life has far more to offer and that there are still important things to be achieved–that life must be experienced to the fullest. As a result, she pursues her objectives with a fierce intensity that will not let go of things. Becomes deeply involved and runs the risk of being unable to view things with sufficient objectivity, or calmly enough; is therefore in danger of becoming agitated and of exhausting her nervous energy. Cannot leave things alone and feels she can only be at peace when she has finally reached her goal.

    Your Restrained Characteristics
    Remains emotionally unattached even when involved in a close relationship.
    The situation is preventing her from establishing herself, but she feels she must make the best of things as they are.

    Wants to broaden her fields of activity and insists that her hopes and ideas are realistic. Distressed by the fear that she may be prevented from doing what she wants; needs both peaceful conditions and quiet reassurance to restore her confidence.

    Your Desired Objective
    Has an imperative need for some bond or fusion with another which will prove sensually fulfilling, but which will not conflict with her convictions or sense of fitness.

    Your Actual Problem
    Has a fear that she might be prevented from achieving the things she wants. This leads her to employ great personal charm in her dealings with others, hoping that this will make it easier for her to reach her objectives.

  • I don’t think it was an accurate description…but whatever!

  • “Active, outgoing, and restless. Feels frustrated by the slowness with which events develop along the desired lines. This leads to irritability, changeability, and lack of persistence when pursuing a given objective.”
    This was the most true part of it. I am SSSSOOOO impatient.

  • Here’s mine (it timed out after the first page so I didn’t get all my results.

    Working to improve her image in the eyes of others in order to obtain their compliance and agreement with her needs and wishes.

  • Works well in cooperation with others. Needs a personal life of mutual understanding and freedom from discord.
    Wants freedom to follow her own convictions and principles, to achieve respect as an individual in her own right. Desires to avail herself of every possible opportunity without having to submit to limitations or restrictions.
    Needs to feel identified with someone or something and wishes to win support by her charm and amiability. Sentimental and yearns for a romantic tenderness.
    Seeks to avoid criticism and to prevent restriction of her freedom to act, and to decide for herself by the exercise of great personal charm in her dealings with others.

  • It worked better in internet explorer than firefox if that helps anyone, the results are on my blog. I really hope it’s not accurate because i’m kinda sitting here going I am not like that really am I?

  • Am I the only one sitting here going I am not really like that am I?
    I can’t get the link to show up but if you click my name it should take you to my blog. Hugs Crystal

  • I think this could apply to just about everyone, yes?

    Seeks success. Wants to overcome obstacles and opposition and to make her own decisions. Pursues her objectives single-mindedly and with initiative. Does not want to feel dependent on the good will of others.

  • I played ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Seeks affectionate, satisfying and harmonious relationships. Desires an intimate union, in which there is a love, self-sacrifice and mutual trust.

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