Temptations Tuesday – 12/7

Happy Tuesday everyone! Is it the end of the year yet? I feel like these last few months have flown by so fast that there’s got to be something I missed along the way. Do you ever feel like that? Like looking back I can only remember going to work and Thanksgiving…lol. Everything else is kind-of a jumbled blur of days, nights, appointments etcetera. Some days it seems like I use up all my allotted time before the end of the day. *sigh*

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”Maya Angelou

Even with limited time though, I’m always in the mood to create. Definitely relating to the quote from Angelou. I often feel that way, I get inspired to create and then before I know it, another idea and another pop into my head for things I want to work on. I feel the same way when I’m looking through the gallery here at the Shoppe. Seeing so many creative ways to use the amazing products from the designers is almost euphoric. I can get lost for hours just looking at the little details people think about when creating their layouts. I try to commit them to memory, telling myself to use this idea or that idea on my next layout. Inevitably I don’t get around to using all of the ideas I want or I fall back on the same creative routines but I’m always INSPIRED!

They say that if you are inspired then you should pass it on. That’s why I love coming here every week to share all of the things that have inspired me. This week is all about the totally tempting layouts using templates and I’ve got lots of inspiration to pass on.

Check out what inspired me this week:











This template is retired, but Brook Magee is an amazing template designer. You should definitely check out the templates in her SHOPPE to see for yourself.


See…I told you I found lots of inspiration this week. All of these lovely layouts and the products are linked. If you’ve got time, leave a little love in the gallery. See ya next week.

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