30 Days of Gratitude: Day 18

Sugarbabe Nikki is thankful for her DVR.

Yes that’s right . . . my DVR. I honestly can’t remember what life was like before being able to simply press record and have all my favorite shows at my fingertips. What’s a commercial? We don’t watch them in my house anymore. And I know I’m not the only one out there who has happened upon a live TV show and forgotten that it was live and then tried to fast forward the commericals. Isn’t that the worst feeling?

I am not ashamed to admit I am a TV addict. But I am a selective TV addict, and the only time I really have to watch TV is after my kids are in bed every night. So being able to pull up all my favorite shows that recorded earlier when I was trying to wash peanut butter out of my 4 year old’s hair, or figuring out 3rd grade Algerbra problems, is one of my favorite ways to relax after a long day.

And speaking of space. It’s a fine line isn’t it. I mean I want to record all the new episodes of that new show that everyone is loving and watch them all in one weekend . . . but do I have enough space? Will it record over or delete all 4 seasons of  The Walking Dead? Or worse, Game of Thrones??? And what’s this? 35 hours of Spongebob Squarepants? And is this something recorded off the Military Channel? Oh no he didn’t! 97% used! What will I do??? And the worst feeling of all . . . getting home and realizing something went wrong and the latest episode of Survivor did NOT record!

The absolute best thing about my DVR is that I don’t have to watch commercials. But there’s a fine line there, right? You want to get through them in .2 seconds because how can you wait any longer than that to see which of your favorite characters the zombies will get tonight, but if you go too fast then it will go over into the show and you’ll have a big fat spoiler right there. I myself have mastered the art of fast forwarding. When my husband thinks he can do it I get all twitchy and of course he ALWAYS goes too far! It’s okay . . . I get my revenge by deleting one of his shows randomly from the list and letting him try to figure out why it’s missing. 🙂 I’m kidding (maybe).

In all seriousness though, there is so much in my life I am thankful for, and in the grand scheme of things, my DVR is probably way down on the list. But I do love it, and I would miss it a lot if it was gone. I mean how could life be the same without hours of my favorite TV programming right at my fingertips?


(memes all found on Pinterest)

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  • Love, love, LOVE this! Great laughs for a Monday morning! I introduced my father-in-law and hubs to the DVR back in 2007. They both hated commercials and would mute them. Now I’m surprised they don’t have carpel tunnel in their fast forward fingers…

  • Oh I know it! My daughters think they have to save every episode of shows they’ve already watched. So when I finally had time an hour ago to watch General Hospital, IT WASN’T THERE! Then I checked the space left to record it was ZERO! The one show I watch daily, not there! But if I wanted to watch America’s Top Model, or So You think You Can Dance from the past year you bet I could! I was so furious, still am actually.

    Yes, before DVRs we could record on VHS but before that we actually had to be home, sitting in front of the TV making sure we were uninterrupted.

    I guess the only saving grace is On Demand but you still have to wait a day or a week which messes up the rest of the week’s shows. I wish our kids had to go back to getting up to change the channel to one of the seven regular channels or PBS. I think they may appreciate modern technology a bit more.

    Thanks for letting me vent. 🙂

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