Merry Christmas from Sweet Shoppe Designs!

Merry Christmas Sweet Shoppers! From all of here at Sweet Shoppe Designs, we hope you have a wonderful, memorable and safe holiday with your loved ones. In order to give our designers a little extra time with their families for Christmas, we have no new releases for you this weekend. Instead, we are pleased to bring you one of our most popular events, our Semi-Annual Going, Going… GONE sale!

This time around, our designers are retiring more sweet stuff than they EVER have, and we have nearly 700 goodies which are heading into the Sweet Shoppe vault for good. If that wasn’t sweet enough, we also have more than 600 newly discounted items which are now making their home in the super-sweet Penny Candy section of the shoppe! We’re really excited about this event, and know you are too, so here are all of the details…

On that note, I’m off to spend Christmas Eve with the people I love. Thank you so much for making 2010 an incredible year here at SSD. Our entire staff appreciates your love and support each and every day, and we know we couldn’t do what we love without all of you… so keep making memories and scrap MORE!

Robin : )

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