12 for 12

Hi! It’s Celeste here. Back in January, I set out 12 goals for myself for the year and called the project twelve for twelve. We are almost a third of the way through the year and I thought maybe I should evaluate my progress. I’m hoping this will get me back on track in terms of completing some of these!

1. Maintain my weight & eat healthier.

I’m doing a fairly good job of maintaining my weight. I’m fluctuating up and down about 2 pounds or so. That could just be salt intake! The eating healthier part is eluding me. I can’t seem to stop snacking after dinner. However, my husband needs to lose ten pounds because of high blood pressure so I’ve been substituting leaner meats and cooking more vegetables. This should help me too!

2. Walk two miles every day faithfully.

I don’t think I’ve missed more than five days this year. The culprit was either illness or the weather! I just don’t feel like my day is complete without my walk!

3. Run 30 minutes two or three time a week

Illness has put a dent on this plan. I have probably only missed two weeks this year, but I have to get back to it and increase my distance.

4. Run a 5K without stopping

Originally I had planned on doing this in a few days, now I’m hoping that June is my month for this. I should just sign up for the race, pay the money and put it on the calendar!

5. Take more photos and capture our stories.

My plan for this was to participate in Project Life, take twelve photos on the second Saturday of the month, and take a family photo every month. I’ve also been trying to write down more of the funny things the boys say and do. I’ve done a pretty good job keeping up with this. The twelve photos is a hard Saturday, but I’ve been making it work!


6. Keep up with Project Life weekly

I feel great about this! I have been able to complete every week of Project Life so far before the next week is complete. Project Life forces me to grab the camera more and also keep better track of the day-to-day. I’m taking a really simple approach to this and I think that is my saving grace!


supplies: Mari Koegelenberg’s Today – the Collection

7. Take a monthly family photo.

We’ve taken four so far. The quality isn’t great, but at least we’ve done it!

8. Complete one organizing project every week.

FAIL! I think I’ve done 4 or 5 since the beginning of the year. However, we did spend a good deal of time in the basement and that is looking great. I have to get back on the stick!

9. Read 52 books and keep track.

Thank goodness for Goodreads! I read 100 books in 2011 so 52 has been a breeze. I keep track of my progress and I’m about 11 books ahead right now.

10. Purge paper scrap supplies and sell.

I started to go through my supplies and stopped. I’m not sure how I want to sell them yet. I have to commit to a tag sale or just selling them at the scrapbook store for credit. I can use the credit for crops so that might work. Those boxes are brimming with stuff!

11. Take one special outing a month.

January, I took the boys to the aquarium. February, we went to the Ben & Jerry’s Factory tour in Vermont. In March, I took the boys to Battleship Cove and slept overnight on a battleship. This month,we went to the Science Museum in Boston. Not only is this getting us out of the house and doing fun things as a family, we are making memories that will last a lifetime. It really is a fun project!

12. Send birthday cards to my dear Ninja friends.

I have a special group of online friends on a private board. Over the years, we’ve become very close. I’ve even met a bunch of them in person! I decided this was the year that I will send each of them a birthday card and tell them how much I appreciate them.

Overall, I’m pleased with my progress just a few tweaks and this year will be a success! So how are you doing on your goals for the year? Are you participating in any ongoing scrap projects? Have you resolved to get healthier? Maybe it’s time to check in and mark your progress!


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1 comment

  • I LOVE this…I am officially adopting some of your list right now. Thanks so much for sharing.

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