The Yucky No Good Awful Day

So, here I am… it’s my day to blog and I’m recovering from a red-eye flight last night from Idaho to Florida. I grabbed a grand total of 2 hours of sleep last night in the sitting position. Now I’m here, still a bit foggy, with a 4:25 pm cup of coffee in my hands. You know those days, when a pot must be brewed at 4:00 otherwise you might not make it through the day! Lots is going on in my life right now. We are thinking about moving to Idaho, but still not sure. If you hang out in the forums here I’m sure you’ve seen my posts about it. I am in a place right now that I haven’t been in for a long long time. At the brink of a huge life choice… feeling so unsteady… as if even breathing will send me plummeting from my delicate perch down to the shark infested waters below. Or, in this case, the bear-filled forest. The news about Idaho came mid-vacation. So I’ve been in a scrapbooking creative block for the past 4 weeks, vacation withdrawal combined with  this Idaho stuff is REALLY killing my mojo!


I’ve been sitting at my desk on and off all day, wracking my brain for a topic that you all would love to gobble up, soak in, and read with pleasure on this blog. And, yeah… nothing is coming to mind but the sludge and yuck I am going through right now. Blah. Nobody wants to hear me whine or cry. So instead, I will bring you what I have to offer, the best I can pull out of the muck my mind is in. I’m going to show you 3 scrapbook pages of mine that made me cry. Isn’t this FUNNNN? Please try to enjoy! LOL!


I think when life gets tough, scrapbooking is such a therapeutic hobby. Don’t you agree? I’m not scrapping right now, but I sure am building up a good amount of thought & feelings to journal and a huge amount of sentiment fueling my desire to scrap about things I have yet to scrap. Like our recent trip to the beach, my parent’s house, and a picture of my Mother-in-law with the kids. I am in a creative block right now so that stuff will have to wait a bit, but I am still enjoying this hobby. Looking back on some of my favorite pages, reading the words, and going back there in my mind. It helps me to remember what exactly I appreciate in life. I love seeing the moments we’ve enjoyed here in Florida with our friends and family. Here are a few pages that I cried over today…


Lunch with our friends:

Man, my son will miss his best buddy. And I will miss my dearest friend… the friend that prays for me, is honest with me, tells me my butt looks nice in my jeans, and calls me even though I have horrible phone etiquette.


Our family photos with Grandma, Grandpa, & Uncle:

I have taken for granted how easy it’s been for us to just all get together and have our pictures taken. That will definitely not be happening on a yearly basis anymore.


Our west coast Florida beach vacation all together:

Oh, the beach!!! I do love it! The warm sand between my toes, the sound of the waves, the lazy lounging ease of it. And my kids love it, too.


… There are many more… too many to share here.


I do find comfort in this Bible verse:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

-Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV


Here’s praying & hoping for some straight paths ahead! No matter where we go, I love knowing my hobby will go with me. Knowing that I will be making special memories with my family and meeting new friends, visiting new places, makes me feel better. My memory-keeping will go with me. And I may be far from “home” but I can make Idaho home too… over time. 🙂


So, thanks for reading along with me on this rainy, somber day! Hopefully next month I will have something more interesting to share.


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1 comment

  • Awww Brook, ((HUGS)) I totally understand the whole life choice thing and how the whole feeling of TEETERING is just terrifying! I love your layouts and that first one about your son’s friend… sniff. I remember once talking about moving to another country with the hubs and seriously not having family around is a factor. Praying this move will go well for you and yes, you will make more, happier memories 🙂

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