30 Days of Gratitude : Day 21

SugarBabe Tara is thankful for adoption.

The thing I am the most thankful for is adoption. I am a mom to SEVEN children, and not one of them came from me. I have two gorgeous step daughters that were my bonus for marrying their dad 15 years ago. We tried for many years after we were married to have another child but were not having any success. Yes, we went through many treatments. It is a really hard thing to go through. I always wanted to adopt, though. Ever since I was a little girl and adopted my cabbage patch doll. Totally serious. Adoption was always part of our Plan A, but we thought we would have a biological child first, then adopt. Obviously, our plan was not happening so we just moved on to adoption.

Seven years ago we adopted our first child and have adopted four more since then. I never knew I could love someone so much when they didn’t come from me. My husband was surprised by that also. His biggest fear was he wouldn’t connect with an adopted child like he did with his daughters. That was never the case. We have grown to an amazing family that loves unconditionally. It hasn’t always been an easy road, but we have been blessed beyond our wildest dreams because of it.

Here is a picture of our most recent trip to the courthouse for an adoption. This was just last month adopting our youngest son, Weston. He was our foster son for over 3 years, and we finally get to say he is OURS! It was a very emotional happy day!

What unexpected turn in your road has changed your life for the better? I have learned to be thankful for challenges and disappoints. It just seems like there is always something bigger coming from those lessons learned.

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