Sweet Talk with: Cinna 2/8

Hey everyone I’m excited to bring you one of our blog feature, Sweet Talk, which sheds some light on YOU. Our amazing community members. Once a month we will indulge in some “sweet talk” and have some fun getting to know you all a little bit better.

“When someone tells you a piece of their life, they’re giving you a gift.” – Patrick Rothfuss

We’ll start off with an ice breaker and show off some gorgeous pages then we’ll end the interview with a lightning round of 15 questions to learn some fun, interesting and cool things about a different member of the sweetest spot in town!

This month I’m excited to introduce: Carina (cinna in the forum)


How you came to find digital scrapbooking?

She says: “I stumbled across digital scrapbooking back in 2007 (I think) when I was browsing the internet for something nice to do with my photos. It was like a whole new world opened up for me and I have loved ever since!”

What’s your day job, where you live, pets, kids?

She says: “I live in a very small village not far from Jönköping which is situated in the southern parts of Sweden with my husband and our little dog Pixie. We have two kids that have left the nest but they live nearby so we meet them every week!
I work full time as a math/science teacher and this year I have 6th graders (at least that’s what they are here in Sweden).”


I enjoyed seeing more of her gallery and found this creative and beautiful page was easy-peasy:

“I really love the blocking of this page using the patterns. The sweet photos of them and the bits of word art sell the love here perfectly. A truly creative and beautiful page.”


I also asked Carina about her favorite pages from her own gallery and this is what she shared:

“I chose this layout because it symbolize so many things for me. The most obvious reason is that I am a total Star Wars nerd. But it also includes my darling husband that I love doing things together with AND the photos are taken at Madame Tussaud’s in London which is THE city I would dream to live in or live close too. It also get to represent all the nerd pages I make and post.
“I love using a big photo on a layout and it’s something I should do more often. The photo is taken in one of my favorite parts of a forest nearby and it has our little dog in it! I feel so at peace looking at it.”
“Another thing I like to get creative with is pocket page designs. Once I passed the stage of thinking ”outside the pockets” I discovered how much fun I can have with them. I picked this one because I love to scrap the boys (men) in my family and do pages that are less cutesy. It’s my son in the photo from a couple of years ago.”
“I know you only asked for three layouts but if it’s possible I would love love to sneak in this pocket page too. I felt bad for not getting my daughter in any of the other layouts so here’s one with her and me that is really a favorite! It’s from a race we took part of in May last year”
If you want to see more of her beautiful pages, check out her gallery here at SSD. But this interview isn’t all about her gorgeous creations before we go let’s learn some more about Carina. I gave her a list of questions to choose from and asked her to answer any 15 of her choice.

1. What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?
Having time to get out for a run and then use the rest of the day for something crafty!

2. What type of music are you into?
I love different types of music but I am a metal head at heart. My top 5 at Apple Music are Metallica, Rammstein, Foo Fighters, Taylor Swift and The Weeknd!

3. What’s the next place on your travel bucket list?
I really wanna go to USA and meet my relatives.

4. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Can you be an extroverted introvert? That’s me in that case! I have no problem hanging out with people or being centre of the attention but if I get to choose I am such a home body that loves alone time exercising, reading, crafting. I need time alone (or just with my closest family) to function.

6. Are you a binge watcher? What’s the last show you binged?
I am the binge watcher queen!!! Some of the recent shows I binged are ”Wednesday”, ”Andor” and ”The Crown S5”

7. If you could tell us to read one book, what would you recommend?
The Hunger Games trilogy!

8. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Chocolate and chips!

9. Tell us one of your nicknames?
I use my nickname on every digital forum/scrapbooking place Cinna which is an abbreviation of my name Carina. Cinna is pronounced with a hard C (like in caramel and coffee) here in Sweden.

12. What color dominates your closest? Is it the same for your home décor?
That would be black, pink and green but definitely not the same for my house decor!

13. Amusement park or National park?
That’s impossible to choose! I like both! I love rollercoasters but I also love spending time in nature.

14. If you could create the ideal career for yourself what would it be?
I would love to be an artist!

15. Do you believe in aliens and unicorns?
But of course I do! Life would be so boring if you wouldn’t believe that’s there’s magic and strange things out there to look out for!


You can definitely be an extroverted-Introvert. Many of us introverts, enjoying being around the ones we love and trust and will take center stage because we’re comfortable. Myself included. But alone time is where I thrive and recharge. Oh Carina, we are all artists at heart. You create beautiful art everyday and we enjoy it here in the gallery. I hope your family does as well. I enjoyed learning more about her and I hope that you all did too. Thank you again, Carina.

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  • I love these interviews! I’ve been saying your screen name wrong (in my head) all along. Oops! I love your taste in Star Wars, music and binging!

  • aaah so fun to meet Cinna! And now I know how to pronounce her username! lol

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