posted under How-Tos

Lighten up, baby!

Well hey there Sweet Shoppers! Jacinda here to share with you my secrets for shadowing lighter kits. Now I’m by no means a shadow guru, and I’m sure there are a hundred different ways to do it, but this is my way, and I thought I’d share. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve seen […]

DIY Instagram

Project Life has brought a lot of scrapping joy back to my life. I’ve found that this type of scrapping was the perfect storm of all that I was looking for in my pages: the daily journaling, the random snapshots of life, the tiny pockets and tiny bits of embellishment. It’s all right up my […]

Photographing in the Snow

This past week, we headed up to Vermont for a ski outing with the kids. Did I ever mention I don’t ski? I did trek up to the mountain with them one morning to take some shots. When I came home I was very unhappy with the results and decided I better read up on […]

Quick and Easy Crafts for Kids

Happy Valentine’s day everyone – it’s me, Darla bringing you some fun today. I am an avid crafter and love finding new ideas on the internet for my girls or most often for my girl scout troop. Pinterest has made this easy for me because I can pin some of my favorite ideas I have […]

365 Days of Bliss – Spot Color

Hey, everyone, it’s Penny with a quick video tutorial about using spot color in Photoshop. It’s an easy, fun way to add a little punch to your layouts. Let me know if you have any questions! If you use the tutorial, I’d love to see your pictures: link me up in the comments!

365 Days of Bliss-Gearing up for DSD!

Hey Sweeties!! Meg here on the eve of what is probably the biggest most exciting weekend @ SSD! Digital Scrapbooking Day is such a fun event and I hope you are gearing up to spend some $$$. I’ve seen the goodies that are coming out tomorrow and all I can say is that the designers […]

Photography Techniques – Controlling Depth of Field

Hello everyone, this is Susan posting today.  In addition to being a scrapbooking designer, I am also a photographer and I would like to talk about how controlling depth of field can improve your photography.  For those that are not familiar with the term Depth of Field (DOF), it is define by Wikipedia as, “distance […]

365 Days of Bliss: A New Look

Hey all!! Laurie here with today’s blissful installment. 🙂 I love taking pictures. Love love love. I know for sure I’m not the only one!! Now that summer is here I love that I have more of a variety of pictures since the weather is nice and we have a nice change of scenery. Last […]

365 Days of Bliss: My Method

Hi everyone!  It’s Kresta here, with another day of bliss for you on the Sweet Shoppe blog. A little while back, there was a thread in the forum about keeping photos organized and more specifically, organizing photos you want to scrap.  I explained my method a little in the thread, but thought I would take […]

365 Days of Bliss – Day 6 – Photoshop Tip

Sharpen and Save for the Web Tutorial Hello Sweet Shoppers! It’s Sheri with a brand new blog post!  Perusing through the forum, I’ve seen many people ask about the best way to save their pages to upload to the gallery.  I’ve created a quick tutorial on how to Save for the Web in a way […]

Let’s talk fonts!

Hi everyone! This is Sari and we are going to talk a little about typography and fonts. I recently was able to attend a Photoshop Seminar by the one and only Scott Kelby. One of the topics discussed was typography and it’s impact on graphic design. I found it fascinating and it got me thinking […]

Make your own stamps!

Hi ladies! I have a quick tutorial for you today on how to make your own stamps in Photoshop! It’s really easy, so I’ll get started straight away: I’m going to make a stamped letter, but this works great with any shape. To get started, I type the letter I want on a text layer, […]

Making your memories sweeter

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