From Our Blog to Yours by Mandy

Hey everyone! I hope today finds everyone feeling good and ready for the weekend! As for me, my house has a bit of illness keeping us from getting out and enjoying the decent weather we are having here but it’s all good – the weekend is supposed to be warmer than today. YAY! 😉

I hope everyone is enjoying these From Our Blog to Yours posts. I think they’re fun and a way for us to get to know each other a little better. So far the posts have been mostly light-hearted and fun, but this week I want us to stop and put on our thinking caps a little bit. So, thanks to the Curious as a Cat blog, I’ve nabbed a series of 3 questions I’d like for you to all answer on your own blog.
1. If you could witness one supernatural event–whether you believe in the supernatural or not–what would it be? Why?
For me, I think the most important event for me to see would be the resurrection of Christ. I’m not really sure I can categorize it as an actual supernatural event but it’s the only thing other than finding out what dying is like that I would remotely be interested in. Not really sure I believe in ghosts, even though I’ve witnessed some strange things. Why? If you are reading this and you are a Christian, I’m sure you can imagine the impact that witnessing the resurrection of Christ would have on your life. Thats why!

2. What is your earliest memory? Why do you think you have remembered that particular event or thing? My earliest memory is really an odd one. I remember that my mom and dad went to the drive in movies. I was in the back seat of our car laying down, drinking juice out of a plastic bottle shaped like Fred Flintstone. (late 70’s here people! lol). I’m not sure at all why I remember it, but throughout the years, it has definately been the earliest memory I have had.

3. Pick a friend or acquaintance with whom you think you would like to start a new business venture. What business? This one is a really difficult one for me to answer. I have so many ideas that I would love to turn into business ventures. I would love to do a stamp line with a paper scrapper friend of mine…I would love to start a large racing company with my DH…I would love to learn to digitally design and own a store with another friend of mine or maybe do something fun with my daughter like a pet sitting business or even a bakery! If you ask me once every day what I want to do with my life, I would give you a different answer every day. There are so many fun ideas in my head, I just wish I had the time and money to do them all!

Alright ladies, take these 3 questions and post the answers to them on your own blog. Then when you’re done, leave us a link here in the comments section. You’ll earn Sweet Rewards points toward those awesome coupons!!!!! Thanks for playing along this week!!!

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