Friday Featured Scrapper – Jacinda!

Good Morning & Happy Friday Sweet Shoppers! This week our featured scrapper is Jacinda!  If you have yet to check out her gorgeous gallery – you can visit her gallery at DST.  Annnnndddd…..I am so super stoked about the challenge for Jacinda.

Jacinda Prattley started digiscrapping early in 2007. Before that (like many of us!) she was a paper scrapper.  Paper scrapping is prohibitively expensive in New Zealand, and she was such a slow scrapper, terrified that I’d cut the paper wrong and not be able to use it. Jacinda would design the rough page outline in Microsoft Word, and then use those measurements to cut my paper, so she guessed that she was thinking digitally all along.

Jacinda works with Photoshop CS3 now, but hope to step up to CS5 in the next few weeks. She’s a huge fan of templates and especially likes knowing ahead of time what the end result will approximately look like. Jacinda doesn’t use templates on all of my layouts, but when I do, the pages come together a lot quicker, and I’m always happy with the result. She’s also a journalling junkie, and finds that she’s writing a lot more on pages than she did in the past.

I asked Jacinda what her 3 favorite layouts are and why. Here’s some eye candy from her lovely gallery:

Favourite layout #1: 10 Things I learnt today from Einstein:

I fell in love with this kit the moment I saw it, and as soon as I found these quotes by Einstein, the page design popped into my head straight away. Having so many layers on my page is a relatively new thing for me, and I was stoked that it all turned out so well.

Favourite layout #2: When I grow up:

I love journalling on my layouts, but rarely do pages about myself (at least until I started doing the portfolio challenges anyway). I like this page because it gives a bit of insight to my personality, which I tried to express through the tone of my journalling. I also like the little sketched elements, and having everything squared off and lined up. It’s a little different than my norm, but I like it.

Favourite layout #3: Being a Mum:

One of the main reasons I scrapbook is to show my love for my children. I have never found the right words to accurately describe how I much I love them, and thought I should journal just that. I still don’t think I’ve expressed it exactly, but the words combined with the template and the kit came together nicely, and it’s one of my favourite pages now.

I also asked Jacinda a few questions about her scrapping style and what makes her tick.

Q. What gets your scrap mojo going?
Everything really. Sometimes it’s the photo and journalling, other times it’s a certain kit. Mostly though it’s a template that gets my mojo going when I’m lacking inspiration.

Q.  What do you do when you’re not online?

Ah, you assume I go offline. LOL. It feels like I’m always online. My kids (3 and 6) are always telling me to get off the computer. When I’m not scrapping I’m doing something with them. This is my main hobby now – I’ve found other interests have gone by the wayside in lieu of more scrapping time.

Q. What colors do you love to work with?

That’s easy. Whatever Kristin (Cronin-Barrow) comes up with. I adore her colour palette choices. Rich, happy, warm colours, and of course anything with pink or green.

Q.  Are you a kit scrapper or more of a Hodge-podge scrapper?

I mostly stick to one kit for a layout, because a lot of my pages are for CT work where I’m trying to promote a certain product. In saying that, I’m also quite happy to choose bits and pieces from several kits to get what I want, especially when I have no restrictions, or I’m just scrapping for myself.

Blog Bonus Challenge #3 for June’s Portfolio.  This week we’re doing a Jacinda version of a Recipe Challenge!  I picked her layout titled “Going Tropical” and came up with a Super Sweet Recipe based on this lovely layout.

Your main ingredients on your page should be:

  • 2 photos
  • 2 frames
  • 3 butterflies (or bugs)
  • 2 word strips
  • 2 scallop edges or strips
  • 12 flowers

Feel free to add other items to your main recipe to make your page complete. Please make sure you post it in the SSD Gallery and update your June Portfolio marking this challenge as Blog Bonus #3.

Here are some wonderful layouts my fellow babes came up with using the recipe above!

Sheri used Dani’s Flying High:

Jacq used You Make Me All I Was Meant to Be by Lauren Grier:

Amy used Mandabean’s Meet Me In the Meadow:

And Mine. I used Eva Kippler’s Annabell Kit:

Have a great Friday!

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