365 Days of Bliss: Day 58 and LOTW 6/27!

Hi! It’s Cindy here today! This is my first day doing a post for the new 365 Days of Bliss format 🙂

Last month we took a 10 day vacation to DisneyWorld, we had spent a lot of time planning and we were all SO excited about it. Then, what I fear the absolute most about taking a vacation happened. We were supposed to leave early Monday morning from Canada, drive down to Buffalo and take a plane early Tuesday morning to Disney. Well, late Saturday night, Ashley (my 8 year old) came down with the stomach flu….OMG, you have no idea how much I fear someone getting sick before or during vacation. We purposely don’t plan vacations during flu season because of this, and I thought May would actually be a safe time to have everyone healthy! So, we were debating whether or not to cancel/postpone the trip, but Ashley was starting to feel better Monday morning, so we decided to go.

I was completely worried about the rest of us catching it, but we took our chances and arrived in DisneyWorld Tuesday afternoon. That night we went to Magic Kingdom, but Ashley still wasn’t 100% and ended up getting sick again while we were there. By our 3rd day there, she was almost completely over it and then it happened…..Curtis woke up in the middle of the night vomitting. Well, not only did he get the stomach flu, but probably got it about 3x worse than Ashley. After almost 2 days of vomitting and 4 days of diarrhea, enough was enough and Brad (my DH) went with him to the ER after talking to an on site doctor and taking his advice to call 911. Nothing like having the paramedics show up at your hotel room during your Disney vacation! LOL! So after going to the ER and getting an IV (which he was AMAZING during, he didn’t even flinch while they were putting the needle in and missing the first time), drinking juice loaded with sugar to get his glucose levels back up, and getting an anti-nauseant, he was feeling much better. However, I don’t think it’s a good thing when you ask him what the highlight of his Disney trip was and he says going to the hospital! He got a lot of attention from the nurses and they kept bringing him goodies while he was getting his IV, and he even asked to get extras for his sister….AWWW! He came back to the hotel with 2 huge goody bags (1 for his sister) and 2 huge Mickey/Minnie helium balloons……but I have to tell you about a little more magical moment we created for him at Disney.

I felt so horrible for him, he was sick for over 5 days and didn’t get to experience what the rest of us got to (my DH and I took shifts taking Ashley to the Disney parks while the other stayed with Curtis). So while he was in the hospital with DH, Ashley and I were trying to figure out what we could do to cheer him up. We went to Downtown Disney and came across a huge toy store there, and then a lightbulb came on! We had gone as a family to Cinderella’s Royal Table at the Magic Kingdom Castle our first morning at Disney (Ashley still wasn’t feeling great, but she managed to make it through breakfast) and during the meal, they dimmed the lights and had all the kids wave their swords and magic wands in the air and make a wish. Curtis still hasn’t gotten then whole thing about keeping your wishes a secret so they come true, so he told us that he wished for green lightsaber. BINGO! While at the toy store in Downtown Disney, we came across an area where you could build your own lightsabers….so we had someone help us (because we had NO clue what we were doing) build the perfect green lightsaber for him. We went back to the hotel and Ashley wrote a sweet little note to him and left the lightsaber on the bed. When DH and Curtis got back and Curtis saw what was on his bed, you should have seen his face light up……it was the best thing that happened all week! He remembered his wish at the castle and couldn’t believe it had come true! It was so nice to see him smiling, and he was starting to feel much better after his hospital visit. I even scrapped a page about it using Doctor, Doctor by Jenn Barrette and Pink Reptile Designs, this may have been the most I have ever journalled on a page LOL!

So even though the stomach flu put a huge damper on our trip (especially Curtis’s), and it was sad that we didn’t get much quality family time while were were there, there was still some fun to be had by all…..and thank god it wasn’t passed to Brad or myself….which is a miracle after all the cleaning up we were doing and being confined to a hotel room with 2 sick kids! I thought I would share a few of the memorable Disney moments with you:

One more good thing that came out of this…. the trip to Disney was going to be our only family vacation this year, but we felt soooo bad for Curtis and felt that he got completely gypped of his vacation, we have decided to take another vacation out west back to British Columbia to visit family at the end of July. They are REALLY excited about this….so send all your stay healthy vibes our way LOL!

And now for LO of the week. After looking through the pages and pages of gallery LOs the week I decided to pick Gemma’s fabulous Summer Top 10 LO. I am in love with here clustering and shadowing on this one, it’s the perfect design, and what a fun subject to scrap about! It uses Dani Mogstad’s and Jenn Barrette’s Chasing Rainbows!

Congrats Gemma, I will be pm’ing you a coupon shortly!
Have a wonderful week everyone!! 🙂

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  • Awww…sorry to hear about your little ones being sick before/during your vacation, Cindy! That happened to us one year when we were at Disney’s Vero Beach, so I can relate. Glad it all worked out though. Ashley’s little note to Curtis is so sweet!

  • that sucks about your little ones getting sick when you were here in florida. I love downtown disney alot though and it is just as much fun I think as the parks sometimes!! Hope your next trip is better then this one and you all can have no sick kiddos this time around!

  • OMG, he was really SO sick !! Hope your next trip is better and everyone is healthy ! Sending positive vibes your way !

  • The green lightsaber part of the story is the best! So sorry he was so sick during that trip.

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