365 Days Of Bliss:6.30.11 Waiting for Lily…

Hello Sweet Shoppers!

ShannonG here with your daily dose of Sweet Shoppe Designs Bliss!

When I originally signed up for my blog post today I was thinking I would be able to introduce my new niece…Miss Lily…but alas, she has other plans.  She is comfy and cozy inside her momma and taking her own sweet time to make her appearance!  Stubborn already, I admit-It runs in our genes, so we shouldn’t be surprised by her lateness.

My parents are in Indianapolis awaiting the the birth of quite possibly their last grandchild, they are so excited and don’t want to miss a single second of this process.  I on the other hand am sitting here in Macomb, waiting until she is actually born to make the 4 hour drive across state lines.  Part of me wishes I was there with my parents but the reasonable part of me knows that I have a family here that needs me more…so I sit, and anxiously await the phone call that will give me permission to take off to Indy and welcome my new niece in the way only a proud aunt can!

Diana, my sister that is expecting, is the baby-my sweet little sister-7 years younger than me…5 years younger than our middle sister…and yes in case you wondered, that makes me the oldest…of three girls.  My poor parents, I have no idea how they came out of our childhood sane-we drove them to the brink of insanity as often as we could.  Thankfully they took it all in stride and still love us all more than we deserve.

Miss Lily will be my 2nd niece, my sister Jeannie has a daughter, Violet, who turned 9 in March.  So, it has been awhile since we have had a baby girl to spoil like mad. All that pink and glittlery and sparkley stuff that has eluded this house full of boys is piled upon my little niece.  She has enough clothes and shoes and ribbons and bows for 5 babies, yet none of us seem able to stop buying stuff for her!

I don’t think there are any words that truly can describe how much I love my sisters’ children.  It is still amazing after all of these years of being a mom and knowing how much I love my own children to see my sisters in the same capacity.  Seeing them be mothers is one of the most amazing sights to behold.  It makes me love them even more than I though I ever could.

I can hardly talk about my niece Vi, and nephew Wils, without tearing up at how special they are to me.  It is an awesome feeling to have so much love for children whom I didn’t birth, but feel as if they are somehow part of me all the same.

I’m so excited to have another girl to scrap as well…my niece Vi, although usually an eager model, as of late has tired of my camera and dress up sessions.  She seems to be turning into a tomboy-EEEK-and all the pomp and circumstance (and hair do’s and dresses) I dress her up in are beginning to become more of a bore than fun…Soooo I hope little Miss Lily knows that until she can vocally object, will be my new little doll to dress up and photograph!

Since I can’t actually share a picture of her I will do the next best thing…This is my sister Diana, yesterday….she went outside and had my mom or dad or her husband take a picture of her and sent it to me via email, to share with all of you…I know it’s not the same as a sweet little newborn, but she is there nonetheless…getting ready to make her appearance to the family who loves her so very much and can’t wait to meet her!

Until next time-Have a fantastic day and don’t forget to remember YOUR Bliss!

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1 comment

  • She looks great and I am envious…its been so long since my family had a little baby around (with my niece who is almost ten being the youngest). I so miss those days. Im sure youll be welcoming your niece before you know it though.

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