20 Questions with Mari Koegelenberg

Sweet Shoppers, September is here, and not only does this mean that there are only 4 months left of 2012, it also means it’s time to put another of our scrumptious designers into our Featured Designer spotlight! This time around, one of our newest designers, Mari Koegelenberg is putting herself out there for you to get to know a little bit better. I am a HUGE fan of Mari’s work as I just love her colorful palettes and the little touches of whimsy she adds to each of her kits. She really has a unique take on designing and you’ll get a sample of her style as well as a pretty good dose of the whimsy she loves in her featured designer kit, Little Critters. This adorable kit is your gift FREE with any $10 purchase made in the shoppe between now and September 15th, but before you head to the shoppe to pick it up with some of your favorite sweet goodies, read on for a bit of insight into the fabulous Mari K…

Just The Basics

When is your Birthday?

I am a January baby and as a result always lost out a bit cause everyone was broke after Christmas…lol.

What’s your Sign?

I am a Capricorn and I can be very stubborn and I tend to want to run the show.

What’s your favorite guilty pleasure?

My Mom sends me a package every six months or so containing Lipton’s Pyramid Tea Bags all the way from South Africa. And let me tell you drinking my cup of tea in the afternoon is just about the best thing ever! I like it sweet with lots of milk!

Describe your perfect pizza toppings.

Cheese pizza with fresh Avocado, Bacon, Banana and lots of Garlic!

Do you talk to yourself?

Yes and I also answer myself…first sign of going crazy!

Texting or Talking?

I love to talk and can just about chat your ears off of your head if given the opportunity.

Early Bird or Night Owl?

Honestly I am a Early Bird but will probably be more of a night owl if there were no consequences in the morning! lol.

Mac or PC?

Mac Hands down!

Canon or Nikon?

I have a Nikon and love love my camera.

Cake or Ice Cream?

Both with a touch of cream on top! 😉

Inside the Artist’s Studio

How do you come up with the names for your products?

It usually starts with the colors and the feel of the theme etc. Sometimes a kit just reminds me so strongly of a time/place/event and I name it around that.

Do you scrapbook too or just design? If you scrapbook, share your favorite layout. If you don’t, do you wish you did?

Yes I love to scrapbook. I probably do more paper pages than digital…I prefer to get away from the computer and just play with tangible goods. My favorite page was this page I did a few weeks ago. I love the beautiful pinks and navy together. I also stitched a chevron background which I absolutely love! It was so worth the extra effort!

When you scrap do you prefer to use your products or those from another designer?

I love both…it depends on my mood and how my schedule looks but I love working with other Designer’s kits and creating a page, and sometimes I cannot wait to scrap with one of my own kits.

Is there a website that you can always count on to inspire you in some way?

Pinterest…colors, design inspiration etc. everything nicely catalogued and visual. I can get sucked in and lose a lot of time there but I almost always have it open when designing especially for inspiration and ideas.

What’s your favorite thing about being a digital scrapbook designer?

As a Digital Designer and Hybrid Girl I love that it is really the best of both worlds. I almost feel like it is a little bit of magic…being able to imagine something and bring it to life on the screen or even making a 3d project all from your computer. I sometimes think how previous generations would view what we are doing now and how we create…it is so different than what it was ages ago. I dont think they could ever have imagined the technology and advances we have today.

Food For Thought

Who was the last person you said “I love you” to?

My Daughter…we have this game every day. ‘Have I told you today that I love you?’ and we always try and be the first to say it.

What is your favorite quote?

‘Not all who wander are lost’ by my favorite author JRR Tolkien. Wandering/meandering around and just absorbing your surroundings is such an absolute indulgence for me and I love that quote so much because it truly speaks to my heart.

If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?

Exactly what I am doing now. I love love creating and I am so blessed to be able to do this as a profession.

Which is worse, failing or never trying?

I vote for never trying…to regret for never trying in the first place and not knowing if you can achieve your dreams is even worse in my opinion. When you fail you can try again but if you never try all you have is regret.

Do you celebrate the things you do have?

Yes but as so easily happens I forget how very blessed I am. Every once in a while it just hits me…all of the amazing opportunities and people in my life, the reason why I can get up each morning and smile…I am so very blessed and grateful for my family and my work.


Now that you’ve gotten to know Mari a bit better, take a peek at some of her favorite products, and don’t forget you can pick up her adorable kit, Little Critters, FREE with ANY $10 purchase made in the shoppe between now and  September 15th!

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