Does anything ever go right?

I often ask myself this.  My life has been compared to a sitcom/dramedy more often than not these past few weeks, but in all reality, I am really blessed.  Today I had to go to the big, scary city of Chicago for mediation for a car accident I was in 2 1/2 years ago.  Now, I know in the grand scheme of things, this isn’t a long time at all, but in our world, it was forever ago.


So, today, I left my little hole in the wall town at 10:00 AM to head to Chicago.  I was supposed to meet with my laywer at 12:30 for the mediation that began at 1:30.  We had no problems getting into town (which, I didn’t think we would) and we got there about 11:30.  We got some coffee, and headed up.  My lawyer’s secretary came out and told us he didn’t need to meet with me until 1.  Awesome.  My mom had come with me so we went and grabbed lunch at a little deli.  It was absolutely delicious and just what we both needed to kind of calm our nerves.


At 1, I met with the lawyer.  He explained to me what was going to happen and told me that there was no need to be nervous.  HA!  He obviously doesn’t know me very well!


We get to the mediation and the other side isn’t there!  The lawyer finally showed up at 2:30.  We were in mediation for only an hour and a half…and FINALLY this thing was settled.  We finally had gotten all my medical bills sorted out, everyone got paid, and I even got a little big of money in my pocket.  Thank goodness!


So far, minus the late lawyer snafu, things seemed to be going well.  My mom and I stopped and got some Garrett’s popcorn on the way back to the car.  We got some Dunkin Donuts coffee for the ride home, and I was ready to tackle some rush hour traffic going out of the city…only to find…the was a home Bears game.  /headslap


It took us almost 2 1/2 hours to get home, but minus a lot of traffic, it really wasn’t bad.


I’m so glad to have all of this behind me, and relatively pain free.  So, yes.  Even though it always seems like some sort of comedy, something things DO go right!

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