January 1st

In with the new . . .

January is always thought of as a month for making resolutions and setting new goals for the upcoming year. For a lot of people, it is a great time to begin a new and exciting journey. At Sweet Shoppe Designs, we are no different. This year we decided to take our blog in a new direction, and we hope that you will be just as excited about this as we are.

Each month will have a general theme, and there will be layout and design inspiration along with various articles and a blog challenge to keep you inspired. We want our blog to be an inviting and informative place in which you WANT to read.

When it came time to brainstorm January, the obvious choice would have been to go with resolutions, goals, starting over, or new beginnings. While those themes are great, we chose to remember that new beginnings are just a part of a longer journey. Hence our theme was born:

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

The journey to the destination or goal is where the story is. As memory keepers, it’s important for us to document that story and not just use the new year to record new beginnings and lofty goals. Sometimes we need the reminder that January is still just a part of the longer journey of life that we are all on. Instead of focusing on the end result you want to achieve, try a different perspective and embrace the journey.

The journey to the destination or goal is where the story is

There are so many things to learn about yourself and your journey along the way. Just remember to celebrate the highs, learn from the lows, and find joy in your progression.

Bonus Blog Challenge-1 point

Let the Journey graphic above inspire your next layout. Make sure to upload it to your SSD gallery, and mark it on your tracker spot as a blog bonus challenge for 1 point.

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