Featured Designer – Digital Scrapbook Ingredients

Welcome back sweet friends!  It has been a week over in my neck of the woods, our sweet 17 year old, almost 18 year old cat passed away last Friday, we moved our oldest into her college dorm for the first time on Tuesday, our boys start school on Wednesday, we lost power Thursday, it was back for a bit, then huge storms all over southeastern Michigan last night, so it’s still out, no school today, so, man!  I’m exhausted, but you know what brightens my weekend, bringing you our next featured designer, Digital Scrapbook Ingredients aka Willemijne or Willie as we all call her.  I love Willie’s designs, they match my scrapping style perfectly!  I love that she rocks out themes, templates and everything in between!

As you know, this year our theme is ‘Designer’s Choice’ What does that mean? Well, just what it sounds like! This year our wonderful team of designers will be coming up with a heap of fantastic new collections inspired by whatever is exciting or motivating them in the moment. They have total freedom to express themselves however they’d like, and we’re super excited to see where this adventure takes us over the next year.  Willie’s Summer Recap screams summer!  This is one everyone will be able to use!   You can get it for free, just add $10 worth of goodies to your cart and it will automatically be added to your cart. The offer is good until our new releases go live on September 8th.

Willie has even created some fantastic extras for you if you really want a giant collection, you can purchase these and I bet it will get you pretty close to that $10 mark to get the full kit for free!

Those templates are wonderful!  That’s like my weakness, a great template!  I’m terrible at original ideas.  Ok, you know what time it is, interview time!  These questions are straight from our Sweet Shoppe Community!

Tell us about your journey with digital scrapbooking? How did you find out about it? Did you start with paper first? How did you get started designing? Where was your first shop? How and when did you end up at Sweet Shoppe Designs?

Willie: The first time I heard of scrapbooking was when a friend showed me a paper holiday scrapbook she made. I loved it so much that I decided to make one from our trip to Morocco we just did at the time. After that I found out there was such a thing as digital scrapbooking and I started designing things pretty quickly after that! At first I sold my designs in my own webstore and after a few years I got accepted at Sweet Shoppe Designs as a designer! It had been my dream store from the beginning so I was over the moon and still am very grateful to be here!

What are your must-haves when creating a kit or collection? How do you know when a product is  finished??

Willie: Flowers, foliage and word art are an important part of my kits and I love to include some really themed elements as well. In the beginning I used to preview after I finished designing the kit but previewing as I design was a game changer! It’s so much easier to see what works and what is still missing.

Do you use your own art in your kits? Show us some of your favorite original illustrations.

Willie: Yes I do! These are a few of my favorites: The whale in Deep Blue Sea, the Flamingo in This Is Paradise, the popsicles and snorkeling gear in Keeping Cool, the fruit and ice cream in Sunshiny Day and the deer and gingerbread house in Christmas Memories.

What are some of your favorite things that people have made with your products? And, do you still get a kick out of your creations being used by other people to preserve memories, create art, etc?

Willie: Yes, I absolutely still love to see people use my designs! It just never gets old! I have a soft spot for anything hybrid so it’s always extra special to see a hybrid project made with my creations! These are two really great examples made by Oscaralley!

What brings you joy?

Willie: Spending time with my family exploring new places! And just the little things like hearing my little boy laugh! I also love to go to thrift stores, looking for treasure lol! I love old stuff and especially using it in a new way. And typography on old products really makes me happy!

If you could go on a date but only had $25 to spend, where would you go?

Willie: I actually love going on hikes! My husband and I have spent many ‘dates’ outdoors and there really isn’t anything better than seeing the beauty nature has to offer! Maybe bring a little picnic to make it complete!

So fun!  I love those hybrid projects that Oscaralley shares, when I see them in the gallery, I’m always amazed!  Before I leave all of you, let’s see what the team has been up to! 

Alight everyone, until next Friday, have a wonderful weekend and make some memories! Don’t forget to stop back in to see what Willie has picked out for you for her Featured Designer 15 Sale!  They’re good!!

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