Fall Bucket List

Fall is my favorite season! Actually, I think it is a lot of people’s favorite season. I love it because it means the 100 degree temperatures of the Texas summers are finally in the past, and doing things outside is do-able again! Plus, there is so much to do.

In an effort to get our family out of the house (I’m a homebody) and active, during the summer, I planned on doing a bucket list for each season over the next year. We did pretty well with our summer bucket list, and now we are slowly starting to work on our fall bucket list. However, while it was easy to make my summer bucket list, my fall list was harder to put together. So what did I do? Well, Pinterest of course!

I use Pinterest as my search engine for most of my searches these days, and it did not fail when I searched “fall bucket list.” Tons of different lists popped up. After reading through several lists and stealing other people’s ideas, I put together our own list.

There were a few holes, though. We live in Texas and don’t really have pretty fall leaves to go play in or scenic routes to drive through. Obviously I didn’t include those . . . but, I did include some other things that other people may not include. My girls love to do projects. So, I searched though my “Celebrating Holidays” and “Projects for the Kids” boards on Pinterest and came up with a few at-home projects to do on a boring day. These may seem boring to others, but for the homebody in me, these are the perfect addition to our own fall bucket list.

Currently, our Fall Bucket List has the following things on it (although, it may change some):

There are so many ideas out there! I just searched “Fall projects for kids” on Pinterest and lots more ideas came up. So fun!

I have to admit . . . one reason I want to check everything off our bucket list is so I can take fall pictures and scrap them! There are just so many gorgeous fall kits in the store that I want to use and not nearly enough pictures to use. Fall kits are perfect for fall adventures and projects alike . . . they don’t have to be limited to outdoorsy pictures of the kids playing in the leaves.

So, what’s on your Fall bucket list?!

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