Love it or Hate it?

Hey everyone! It’s Ange coming at you this Friday with “From our blog to yours”.

I hope you are all geared up for a great weekend ahead of us- I know I’m excited for it! We’re visiting my grandma one night, and just kind of hanging. Pretty relaxed – it’s just nice to just have the “weekend” here!

For this blog post I was thinking about things that people either LOVE or HATE. You know… they come up in conversation and people usually have very concrete views on these things… lol! No “in the middle” for many of these topics!

So for today’s blog quiz tell me this:

Love it or Hate it?
Scary Movies
Amusement Parks
Valentines Day
working out
Hillary Clinton
Napolean Dynamite – the movie
Meat Loaf
Forwarded Emails (videos, stories, etc.)

I’ll tell you how I feel about these things! πŸ™‚

Scary Movies – Hate them. If there is one I absolutely get roped into watching, I will only watch them at home on the DVD player. That way when they get scary, I turn the lights on and go pop some popcorn. It kills the ‘build up’ and they aren’t quite so bad to come back to, but I still hate them! My DH likes them unfortunatley… lol!

Amusement Parks – love them. Yep, even the crazy “not so much like Disneyland” ones. I LOVE LOVE Disneyland, but I’ve never met an amusement park I didn’t have a good time at yet!

Valentines Day – Love it. Even when I was single and not dating. Still loved it. To me it’s about telling people who are supportive of you and just in your life that you love them (mom, dad, kids, friends, etc.) as much as it is about romantic love.

Working out – trying to “love it” more, and I’m doing better there. Still don’t “love it”, but I no longer “hate it” as bad… lol!

Tattoos – love them. Love looking at them seeing unique designs. Don’t have one (serious needle phobia) but would like to get one someday maybe? lol! Maybe when they invent needleless tattos! Or I get super super brave!
Guacamole – Love it. I Feel bad for people who hate it and are missing out on it’s avocadoey goodness. πŸ˜‰

Hilary Clinton – without getting all political (cuz I’m not really a really political person). I like her. It’s too early to say whom I would vote for in this race, but I would love to see a woman in the white house, and how cool would it be to have Bill as the “first man”… lol! πŸ™‚ Historic in many ways – and I think that means our nation is headed in a good direction. That still doesn’t mean I’ll give her my vote just because she is a woman though… lol!

Napoleon Dynamite – love it. Haven’t watched it in a while, but I own the DVD and I consider it a classic… lol!
Meat Loaf – Love it! My mom makes great meat loaf. I’ve rarely made it myself, but I love my mom’s meatloaf! Yum!

Forwarded Emails – this one I’m in the “middle on” (I know, I said this was LOVE IT OR HATE IT!). Depends on who they are from. I love some of them, others I want to say “Take me off your email list”… lol! πŸ™‚

So tell me what you think on these “love/hate” things! πŸ™‚ I look forward to catching your blogs! πŸ™‚ And happy Friday to you all! πŸ™‚

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