365 Days of Bliss – Day 11: Sowing ‘n growing

Hi!  Sara here with a nice random post about life in the Lively household.

Over the past couple of weeks, our son, Alex & I have been sowing seeds – just on a small scale – together.  It combines three of his favourite things: water, mud & telling his mother what to do!

We do have a small garden, but its covered in chipped bark to provide a soft landing for my over-adventurous boy below his climbing frame and trampoline! …hence we have plant pots, hanging baskets & even more pots on window sills, though fewer this year than usual as we’re going on vacation to the US in the middle of the Summer (visiting my Aunt & family in Ohio – can’t wait!!).

To compensate for the lack of homegrown produce this year, we’re planning to go to a pick-your-own farm in June as I have a need to make Strawberry jam (jelly?), using my darling Grandma’s jam pan – she died in February & I miss her so much.  There is simply nothing like homemade jam on top of warm home-baked scones (I think you call them biscuits in the States).

Anyway… in the last few weeks we’ve sowed pumpkin, lettuce, tomato & alpine strawberry seeds, plus potatoes, and pretty purple violas.  Alex usually likes to ‘instruct’ me when we do a project together; be it baking, planting, building Lego or a snowman, you name it.  Its very funny to hear him use his ‘teachers’ voice – after all he is only 8, but even still, there’s no messing about when Master Lively is in charge  😉

Its wonderful to see his pleasure in planning teeny seeds seeing them grow into something wonderful – its still magic & not simply nature to him.

..I know – its kind of strange me doing a LO, but I was in the mood – and had a lot of help from Cindy’s template, Penny’s frame clusters & Jenn’s kit to name a few  🙂

Finally I just had to show you a pic or two of our roses,which smell just like roses should, but so often don’t today.  Pity the picture isn’t like the scratch ‘n smell ones in kids magazines – the perfume is that amazing  🙂

So tell me: how does your garden grow?? 😉

Wishing you a lovely day,


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1 comment

  • GORGEOUS roses! I do wish I could smell them. And you’ve inspired me to try again with planting some seeds and things with my kids .. a weekend project.

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