365 Days of Bliss: Day 59

Hi there Sweet Shoppers it Mary here as I was getting ready to do my blog post. I thought about what I would say and how because their are so many mamas elated over their child graduating from Pre-k, Kindergarten, 8th grade or 12th grade. It’s truly an honor to know that all the hard work that was put in over the year/years has paid off.

I for one have not been so elated, I really didn’t want to see anything graduation related it just hurt so much to see the balloons, congrats cards, sentiments, to hear about the parties and all the specials on the photo prints ughhh I really felt beaten. What can I tell you my dd Charlie was suppose to walk down those stairs with her head held high, smiling from ear to ear wearing her gold cap & gown. I’ve imagined her this way especially this past week and I’ve played it all in my head over and over once I got the invitation one week before. I thought how will I be able to sit and watch all of these kids walk towards their new future knowing my dd’s future is gone. I will tell you it wasn’t easy I stressed, debated many times should I go should I not go. My kids would be upset with me if I didn’t. I knew this to be true because they had told me mom they are going to honor all of her hard work and let Charlie graduate with her class by giving us her diploma and if you don’t go you will regret it. sighhhh I gave in and decided ok I’ll go.

Once we got their it was so packed with families and friends of the graduates. Many of Charlies teachers saw me and said nothing, I think they felt akward which was ok in my book no words are better than meaningless one’s. We were handed the Schedule of Events and while walking to find our seats I was stopped by many of Charlie’s friends mom’s telling me how glad they were to see me and how happy they were that I made it and I should be proud as they are even though she is not here physically she was spiritually. I was trying so hard to hold it together I said Thanks and kept it moving, I was emotionally a wreck and this wasn’t helping me.

A little later the procession of graduates started they were all walking down the stairs, OMG I wanted to run out but my dh took my hand and squeezed I teared up so many times because I knew that I would never see Charlie walking down the steps sighhhh. I heard many great speeches and then my dd’s moment came where they had a moment of silence and I just couldn’t hold it anymore I was softly sobbing and it was so quite and all you could hear was me. I felt some parents rubbing my back and patting my shoulders but I was numb. After the moment of silence 2 of my dd’s friends spoke about her and I didn’t hear much of it because I was fighting back my tears and trying to keep it together. Then the time came where they called us up to receive Charlie’s diploma. I almost couldn’t stand, the applause was loud and my husband took my arm and pushed me up I cannot tell you that I walked tall and proud because my eyes were red filled with tears and my nose was running. Cute I know, I know. My mom and my other 2 dd’s walked up with me it felt like I was floating & once up top I was handed her memorial for the Class of 2011 wrapped in ribbon with her tassel on top.

I decided to make a page to help tell my story and while it was very hard to attend the ceremony, I’m taking comfort in knowing that no I wasn’t happy about attending at first but the presence of love, joy and happiness filled me with the same by the time I left.

Credit: Whimsicality by Jenn Barrette & SCRAP YOUR HEART 3-Piece 5 (edited) by Janet Phillips
Thanks for reading my day of bliss and if you have a graduate in your home be PROUD!!!!

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  • Congrats to Charlie… and (((HUGE HUGS))) to you Mary… I can’t even imagine how hard it was, thanks for sharing your honest and raw emotions with us.

  • That was so beautiful, and raw. My father just passed a couple weeks ago, so in some way I totally underderstand your emotions. (((hugs)))

  • Thank you for continuing to share Charlie’s story (and yours) with us. The sepia tone of the photos on your layout is just beautiful.

  • Mary, this was such an emotional post. Thank you for sharing with us and I am really glad you went. You are a proud Mom! And the way they recognized Charlie in the ceremony was wonderful. ((hugs))

  • COngrat sto Charlie and to you for being so strong to go Mary~{{{HUGS}}}

  • This is such an emotional post… Thanks for sharing this with us, Mary ! Congrats to Charlie and to you for being so strong ! HUGS !

  • Mary, you are amazing and loved <3 We all love Charlie through your eyes and heart and amazing spirit. She may be gone from this earth but through your words and sharing of her, she will never be forgotten!

  • God bless you and your family. Thank you for sharing your emotional story. I wish you hugs and healing. xoxo

  • Mary I wish I had the words. I so admire your strength and willingness to share. xoxo

  • Wow! That was powerful to read. I can’t imagine how hard it was for you to attend the ceremony or to get up and stand in front of everyone. You are a strong person and I admire you.

  • I am so sorry for your loss still, and continue to hold your family in my prayers.

    Our hometown lost a young man this year, Nathan Stiles. He was on the football team, and died from Second Impact Syndrome while playing in one of our high school games.

    Our school gave his parents his diploma (he had completed his credits before he passed away). It was truly an emotional experience for everyone in attendance. Witnessing that gives me some glimpse into the emotions you must have been feeling, though I can’t in any way imagine how you guys feel completely.

    I really admire your strength, especially in standing there in front of everyone. What a light you truly are in your daughter’s memory.

  • can’t imagine how hard it was for you to attend the ceremony or to get up and stand in front of everyone.

  • Wow…I’m at work with tears in my eyes while I read this…You exude strength…

  • Mary…no words can do it. I am in awe of your strength. I appreciate your honest and open post – thanks for sharing. You make Charlie so proud and light her memory for those who missed out on knowing her on earth. I wish for you peace.

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