Birthday Boy

My baby turned 3 on Friday. Don’t you just love that third birthday? It’s the first time they are aware of what it means and yet they still don’t fully grasp the concept of time. This resulted in early awakenings every morning for an entire week at our house. Every morning between 5.30 and 6 am, he would storm into our room, shouting in his funny toddler language: “Get up mommy! It’s my birthday!” I get to drink coca cola today!” (he’s only allowed to drink coke on parties!) And every morning there was the necessary drama when I had to explain that it was not yet his birthday.

Then Friday the big day arrived. Funny enough, he slept until 8 am and the rest of us was already awake by the time he got up. We had decorated his chair and we started to sing ‘happy birthday’ as he walked into the living room. Maybe it was the fact that he missed an entire hour of his actual birthday, but he was extremely grumpy and wanted us to stop singing. Lol. The joys of toddlerhood. 🙂 When he saw his chair, his crown and his presents his mood quickly changed and we got to enjoy the most amazing twinkling in his eyes as he opened his presents. My typical boy is obsessed with anything that has wheels, so he was very excited with the 36 matchbox cars and the motorcycle we bought him.

It was a school day and it was a bit weird that I had to bring him away on his birthday, as the rest of us all have birthdays during school breaks. (Yes, school starts at the age of 2.5  in Belgium!) But he got to enjoy being in the centre of attention all day at school. His teacher gave him a small gift, they had a party and he wore his crown the entire day. 🙂

Today we’re having his party. He loves cake, especially with whipped cream, so that’s what I’m making this morning! It’s going to be a raspberry cake with fresh raspberries from our garden and a loooot of whipped cream. 🙂 Not counting any calories today!

It amazes me that my last child, my baby, is already such a big boy. Time sure flies! But I’m enjoing every minute of it!

Here’s a picture of him taken a couple of hours after he was born:

And this is him today. I love that boy to pieces!

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1 comment

  • LOVE this post. We have a 3.5 year old and so much of this was true for her 3rd birthday too! This age sure has its ups and downs, but its so rewarding! Happy Birthday to your little guy!

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