Happy Sunday Sweet Shoppers!

If you’re like me, this is the most wonderful time of the year for those of us with allergies and asthma.

*can you detect my sarcasm?*


each year, we dread the changing of the seasons.  it’s a very bittersweet thing for us because we all love the cooler weather, the gorgeous colors, and the beginnings of the holiday season, BUT, we are bound to wind up with someone either in the hospital or at quick care…without a doubt.


this weekend, it was my youngest daughters turn.  we all had been sniffling and sneezing because the farmers had started harvesting the fields and i had JUST said how grateful i was that we hadn’t run into any problems with her breathing and that her new maintenance inhaler had really been helping.


i put her to bed on friday night and within an hour she was up hacking and crying that she was going to ‘throw up.’  i knew it was all because of the drainage.  then the wheezing started.  so, saturday morning, we headed to the dr’s office to make sure she was ok.  as i suspected, she needed a dose of steroids and eye drops (she always gets a weepy eye this time of year because of allergies) and we had to continue the breathing treatments.  i hate that at such a small age, she’s been through so much.


anyone else out there secretly hating this time of year, but loving it at the same time?

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