posted under Featured Designer

Featured Designer 15 – Pink Reptile Designs

Hello again!  If it’s summer in your part of the world, have you been enjoying all of those summer things?  We just celebrated the 4th of the July here in the states, we always means lots of food, fun and sun!  As you’re reading this, I’m probably driving home from a week away with family […]

Featured Designer – Pink Reptile Designs

Howdy friends! Did you have a nice relaxing week or has it been jam packed? Can you believe June is coming to an end and it’s time to welcome our next featured designer to the spotlight, Mirjam aka Pink Reptile Designs. Mirjam has such a unique style, her alphas are some of my favorite in […]

Featured Designer 15 – Cindy Schneider

It’s Friday again my Fridays and time to see what our featured designer, Cindy Schneider will have on sale for us next week, but before we do, I’d love to get one more look at her free with $10 purchase template collection, Hello Friends. I love how Cindy makes color coordinates all of her template […]

Featured Designer – Cindy Schneider

Hello Friends!  Here we are again, time to welcome a new featured designer to the spotlight, but before we do, I wanted to make that I reminded you all or maybe brought it to your attention for the first time, we have a fabulous summer event that will be kicking off this summer and you […]

Featured Designer 15 – Grace Lee

Hello Hello!  Who’s ready for the weekend?  I know I am!  I feel like we have been going non-stop and hasn’t even really gotten started yet.  I hope you all have found a little time to make some memories and maybe even scrap them.  Before we get to the products that Grace will have in […]

Featured Designer – Grace Lee

Hello everyone and happy Friday!  We are officially half way through 2023!  Can you even wrap your head around it?  May flew by for me, my daughter graduates high school on Sunday and she turned 18 in May, so it was just one thing after another.  I’m looking forward to a little scrapping time this […]

Featured Designer 15 – Ponytails Designs

Happy Friday Everyone!  Sorry I’m a little late this morning, all the senior activities have my brain spinning!  Let’s get to Nat’s goodies shall we?  But before we do, here is one more look at Today’s the Day, you can get this lovely kit for free with a $10 purchase between now and next Friday […]

Featured Designer – Ponytails Designs

Happy Friday Everyone!  What have you been up to?  Lots of scrapping?  I’m just hanging in, waiting until the end of the school year.  We’re entering the last week of high school for my oldest, so many activities coming up next week.  What about you, has school wrapped up in your area?  If so, or […]

Featured Designer 15 – Little Butterfly Wings

How was your iNSD?  Did you get a lot of shopping and scrapping done?  What about games?  Did you have time to play a lot?  I think I scrapped one page this past weekend.  If you did have time to shop or are itching to do a little more shopping, you’re in luck!  We have […]

Featured Designer Friday – Little Butterfly Wings

Happy iNSD Weekend everyone!!  I can’t believe it is May already, I won’t keep you with too much small talk, I know you’re all ready to do some shopping and play some games.  Our featured designer this week if Valeria of Little Butterfly Wings and she has the most beautiful, fun, artsy goodies you could […]

Featured Designer 15 – Erica Zane

Happy Friday Everyone!  I can’t believe it’s already the last one in April.  Anyone have big weekend plans?  It’s prom here and my daughter is a senior, pretty bittersweet!  Hopefully I’ll get some scrapping in.  Or maybe it’ll actually warm up so we can get some outside stuff done.  Before we look at Erica’s Featured […]

Featured Designer – Erica Zane

Good Afternoon Sweet Shoppers and welcome to another edition of Featured Designer Friday!  This week we have Erica Zane in the spotlight with a new  template set.  This year our theme is ‘Designer’s Choice’  What does that mean? Well, just what it sounds like! This year our wonderful team of designers will be coming up with […]

Making your memories sweeter

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