posted under Making Memories

Tuck It In Tuesday – 2/4

Are you ready for more pocket style inspiration from The Gallery? Well, you’re in luck because I just happened to spend some time in there this week gathering up some just for you. Bright colors, happy smiling faces and, not surprising for this time of year, a whole lotta love! Let me show you what […]

Thursday Treats – Passport Help 1/23

A new year, a new set of monthly Passport challenges! Just in case you’re new to Sweet Shoppe, we host a set of monthly challenges which when completed earn you “sweet rewards”. January’s set of challenges are called Passport to Change. You’ll find the passport card to download here and the FAQ thread with all […]

Tuck It In Tuesday – 1/21

Are you getting back into the swing of things after the holiday hullabaloo has cooled off? If you take a look in The Gallery you’ll see that your PL (Project Life style documentation coined by Becky Higgins) loving friends are keeping up the momentum and getting those weeks documented. Of course, that’s not the only […]

Thursday Treats – Let It Snow 1/16

I’ve seen snow a few times in my life, once even in Central Florida, but I can’t imagine what it would be like to step out into the crunchy white stuff every morning to go to work and school. First, it’s got to be FREEZING outside to even exist and we Southerners don’t acclimate to […]

Thursday Treats – Word Nerd Day 1/9

Are you a logophile… a lover of words? Did you know that today is “Word Nerd” Day? Words are the primary method that we use to communicate with each other, both in the verbal and written forms. They can convey thoughts and emotions if we make the right choices. As a memory-keeper, you’re probably well […]

Tuck It In Tuesday – 12/31

It’s the last day of 2019 and there’s no better way to send it off than a big showcase of pocket style pages from The Gallery! As expected for this time of year, we’re definitely seeing a lot of holiday layouts mixed in with our everyday scrapping. If you have a little down time with […]

Thursday Treats – New Years Eve 12/26

It’s less than a week until the calendar flips to 2020! Can you believe it? Not only is it the start of a new year but also a new decade. New Year’s Eve is the time to reflect upon the old, both the good times and the challenging ones, but also to look forward to […]

Tuck It In Tuesday – 12/24

Happy Christmas Eve to all my digi friends out there! We wish you quality time spent connecting with family and friends, traditions begun and continued, older stories shared and new ones documented. AND, of course, a whole lot of photos to scrap! Take a few minutes over the holidays to share a little holiday spirit […]

Tuck It In Tuesday – 12/10

Have you noticed that it’s starting to look a lot like Christmas in The Gallery these days? That’s not to say that your fellow scrappers aren’t continuing to share their fall photos and everyday moment stories, too. But with all of the amazing new holiday goodies hitting The Shoppe each week, we can’t help but […]

Tuck It In Tuesday – 11/26

No new releases equals a fairly light week in The Gallery but that was definitely the lull before the storm. You are going to be blown away by all the new goodies headed your way this weekend! But let’s not get ahead of ourselves… these are a few of the pocket style pages posted recently. […]

Thursday Treats – December Project Prep 11/21

It’s almost December! For many memory keepers, the month of December holds a special place in our little story-telling hearts AND on our scrapbook album shelves in the form of holiday mini albums. Scrapbook teacher and designer Ali Edwards is credited for starting the phenomenon in 2007. Now scrappers all over the world tell their […]

Thursday Treats – Holiday Recipes 11/14

We’re definitely headed into the holiday season now! For many of us, the holidays immediately make of us think of specific foods – tastes and treats from our past. I thought it would fun to ask the designers and Sugarbabes to share a few of their family favorite holiday recipes with us. Maybe one of […]

Making your memories sweeter

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